The story behind our company name: Nightingale Metal Design
The name Nightingale Metal Design has more meaning than one may expect. It is not because we love the nightingale bird, although its song and coloring is beautiful, the story is a bit different than that.
As a child, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents: vacations, summer breaks, after school until Mom came home from work, etc. My grandparents meant the world to me and were a tremendous part of my life as a child and into my adulthood. Years back I lost my Grandfather and just last year, 2019, my grandmother passed away.
With my grandmother's passing, we had to empty and sell her home that I had so many memories in. This house was on Nightingale Lane. The memories I will always have, but the name I knew I didn't want to let go. This is where the Nightingale Metal Design name was derived. The name pays tribute to my late grandparents and the influence that they had on my life.
1 comment
What a lovely tribute to you Grandparents – wishing you the best of luck with your business – love everything I’ve seen!