About our Raw Steel/Rust* options

About our Raw Steel/Rust* options

We currently offer 5 different powder coat colors for most of our signs along with an option to leave a Raw Steel/Rust* option. We had many customers asking for the raw option over the years as they wanted to allow the raw steel to patina over time. Our Raw Steel/Rust* option is just that, no coating at all over our raw steel sign.

In an outdoor setting, the steel will rust rather evenly over the course of a few weeks depending upon weather and humidity. In an indoor setting, the rust will be more sporadic and likely take significantly longer to cover the entire sign.

When we complete a raw sign it will have a swirled pattern from our final step of abrasive clean-up. It will have the natural steel color and often begin to rust where it was touched. Over time it will rust everywhere, but that time will vary according to humidity. Take a look at the example pic in this article. The first pic (left side) is 24 hours after the sign was made. The second pic (middle) is taken 7 days after the sign was made and left outdoors. The third pic (right side) is taken 30 days after the sign was made and left outdoors.

We offer this option for those that want the natural patina that will happen on a raw sign. 

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