Welded rear hangers on our signs
Each of our signs, unless we state otherwise, has 1 or 2 of our custom made hangers welded to the back of the sign. This is an extra step that we take to ensure the best product for our customers. We see other companies that have holes in each sign, or even worse, no forethought at all for how it will be hung.
The sawtooth hangers that we install on our signs allow for simple hanging. When possible, we install just one hanger on the back of a sign. This is true for sign versions that are somewhat symmetrical, but we have some exceptions that require two sawtooth hangers. A few of our signs have a smaller, single hole style mount when space won't allow for a sawtooth style hanger.
A couple exceptions to signs with rear-mounted hangers are our staked signs (those meant to be staked into the ground), our bird signs (that get hammered into a tree), our clocks (the mechanism has a hanger built into it) and a couple of signs with screw holes to be mounted on posts, etc. If you are in need of a specific application please feel free to reach out so that we can make sure your sign has the perfect mounting provisions for where you want to put it.